Welcome to BrainTumorFighter.com
(scroll down for the latest news including the FUCK CANCER 2020 Series Streams)
This website serves three purposes:
Here's what you'll find on this site:
Latest News!
November 2020
My annual FUCK CANCER music series will be virtual this year. Make sure watch the video links below as they premiere from November 11th-14th. There are also shirts that you can pre-order with 100% of the proceeds (minus shipping) benefitting The American Cancer Society. Pre-orders are open now until November 30th. You can get them at the STORE page right here at this site!

October 18, 2019
I've uploaded Episode 15 of MY JOURNEY. I've also added a new page to the site: UPCOMING. This page currently features flyers for all of the upcoming F#CK CANCER shows that I have booked this November to help raise money for the American Cancer Society. I also wrote a quick story behind the history of these shows that I've put together for a little over 20 years. ALSO, tomorrow is the 3rd Annual Sacramento Brain Freeze! This will be my 2nd year participating in the event. I will also be the guest speaker at this year's event! You can help out our team by donating at the following link: Tinyurl.com/braintumorfighters
I've uploaded Episode 15 of MY JOURNEY. I've also added a new page to the site: UPCOMING. This page currently features flyers for all of the upcoming F#CK CANCER shows that I have booked this November to help raise money for the American Cancer Society. I also wrote a quick story behind the history of these shows that I've put together for a little over 20 years. ALSO, tomorrow is the 3rd Annual Sacramento Brain Freeze! This will be my 2nd year participating in the event. I will also be the guest speaker at this year's event! You can help out our team by donating at the following link: Tinyurl.com/braintumorfighters
July 10, 2019
I've uploaded Episode 14 of "My Journey". Hope you can spend a few minutes watching! Two upcoming events in the Northern CA area where you can catch me:
June 10, 2019
There's a surprise BONUS VIDEO up on the My Journey page. It's not Episode 14, but I think you'll enjoy it.
There's a surprise BONUS VIDEO up on the My Journey page. It's not Episode 14, but I think you'll enjoy it.
June 9, 2019
Brain Tumor Fighter Spotlight #1: Mark Lazarus When I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and "went public" on social media, Mark was the first person who reached out to me who I didn't already know. The fact that someone living on the other side of the world reached out to me to offer their support meant the world to me. It is with great honor that I present his story here. I am proud to call him a fellow Brain Tumor Fighter. Take the time to read and share his amazing story. Click the link below: |
May 28, 2019
Coming very soon to BrainTumorFighter.com...BRAIN TUMOR FIGHTER SPOTLIGHT! This NEW section to the website will be featuring an interview with one of my fellow Brain Tumor Fighters. I'll be asking them questions about their journey, posting some candid photos of them, as well as offer them a platform to offer advice to all fo the brain tumor fighters out there! The first spotlight will be coming soon!
Coming very soon to BrainTumorFighter.com...BRAIN TUMOR FIGHTER SPOTLIGHT! This NEW section to the website will be featuring an interview with one of my fellow Brain Tumor Fighters. I'll be asking them questions about their journey, posting some candid photos of them, as well as offer them a platform to offer advice to all fo the brain tumor fighters out there! The first spotlight will be coming soon!
April 30, 2019
Thank you so much for being patient with me with regards to updates! I've FINALLY added Episode 13 to "My Journey" where I discuss my latest MRI results and returning bouts of depression. I've also uploaded the latest shirt that helps to raise funds for the Acoustic Neuroma Association. GABBA GABBA HEY! |
January 8, 2019
Happy New Year, Brain Tumor Fighters! I've updated "My Journey" with Episode 12. In this episode, I discuss fatigue, depression, and how I handled it. Hopefully, what's working for me right now can help someone out there.
Happy New Year, Brain Tumor Fighters! I've updated "My Journey" with Episode 12. In this episode, I discuss fatigue, depression, and how I handled it. Hopefully, what's working for me right now can help someone out there.
December 3, 2018
The results are in from my first post-radiation MRI: "Looks good. See you in 6 months." This was LITERALLY the extent of the email I received from my doctor along with an attachment of the results that were definitely written for only a doctor to understand. Make sure to check out Episode 10 of "My Journey" to hear why I was initially upset with the manner that these results were delivered, but then came around to being very appreciative. MERCH ALERT: I will be pulling the "CYBER KNIFE" shirts from the store page soon and making those available at my band's shows. Make sure to get one before they are pulled! There are a small number of the original Brain Tumor Fighter shirts left as well. The next design will be available after the holidays. What better way to commemorate who we are than by using a Ramones-inspired shirt! Remember, proceeds from the sale of any items on the Brain Tumor Fighter store page go to the Acoustic Neuroma Association.
The results are in from my first post-radiation MRI: "Looks good. See you in 6 months." This was LITERALLY the extent of the email I received from my doctor along with an attachment of the results that were definitely written for only a doctor to understand. Make sure to check out Episode 10 of "My Journey" to hear why I was initially upset with the manner that these results were delivered, but then came around to being very appreciative. MERCH ALERT: I will be pulling the "CYBER KNIFE" shirts from the store page soon and making those available at my band's shows. Make sure to get one before they are pulled! There are a small number of the original Brain Tumor Fighter shirts left as well. The next design will be available after the holidays. What better way to commemorate who we are than by using a Ramones-inspired shirt! Remember, proceeds from the sale of any items on the Brain Tumor Fighter store page go to the Acoustic Neuroma Association.
October 6, 2018
I've uploaded the latest episode of My Journey. Please take a moment to see where I'm at in life. To all of my fellow Brain Tumor Fighters, WE'VE GOT THIS!
I've uploaded the latest episode of My Journey. Please take a moment to see where I'm at in life. To all of my fellow Brain Tumor Fighters, WE'VE GOT THIS!
September 11, 2018
Ladies and gentlemen...please welcome to the squared circle...THE BRAIN TUMOR FIGHTERS!!!! |
July 27, 2018
The "Motorhead" shirt was such a huge success that I can know unleash the next shirt design! The bassist of The Moans, Matt, designed this shirt to show his support for me. Proceeds from this shirt sale will go to the Acoustic Neuroma Association! If you need an extra dosage of rock-n-roll in your life, check out my band, The Moans, at the link below. Both the "Motorhead" and NEW "Moans" designs are available in limited sizes and quantities. Don't forget to also check out my Brain Freeze team! Links for the store and Brain Freeze team are found below!
The "Motorhead" shirt was such a huge success that I can know unleash the next shirt design! The bassist of The Moans, Matt, designed this shirt to show his support for me. Proceeds from this shirt sale will go to the Acoustic Neuroma Association! If you need an extra dosage of rock-n-roll in your life, check out my band, The Moans, at the link below. Both the "Motorhead" and NEW "Moans" designs are available in limited sizes and quantities. Don't forget to also check out my Brain Freeze team! Links for the store and Brain Freeze team are found below!
July 17, 2018
JOIN TEAM BRAIN TUMOR FIGHTER ON OCTOBER 13th FOR THE SACRAMENTO BRAIN FREEZE! Click the "BRAIN TUMOR FIGHTERS TEAM" button to donate to the Brain Tumor Fighters team, or even better yet, JOIN US and you get a wrestling mask to we as we jump in the water together and raise money and awareness for ALL brain tumor fighters out there! Don't forget to order your shirt from the store page to help raise money for the Acoustic Neuroma Association!
JOIN TEAM BRAIN TUMOR FIGHTER ON OCTOBER 13th FOR THE SACRAMENTO BRAIN FREEZE! Click the "BRAIN TUMOR FIGHTERS TEAM" button to donate to the Brain Tumor Fighters team, or even better yet, JOIN US and you get a wrestling mask to we as we jump in the water together and raise money and awareness for ALL brain tumor fighters out there! Don't forget to order your shirt from the store page to help raise money for the Acoustic Neuroma Association!
June 30, 2018:
"Motorhead" Brain Tumor Fighter shirt is AVAILABLE! Click the STORE link to purchase. Limited quantities in sizes S-XXXL. Proceeds benefit the Acoustic Neuroma Association. Click the button below to go to the store!
"Motorhead" Brain Tumor Fighter shirt is AVAILABLE! Click the STORE link to purchase. Limited quantities in sizes S-XXXL. Proceeds benefit the Acoustic Neuroma Association. Click the button below to go to the store!
June 20, 2018:
First shirt design announced! If you hop on over to the SHOP page, you'll see a few shirt designs that will gradually be made available in LIMITED QUANTITIES! The first design printed will be the Motorhead-inspired Brain Tumor Fighter t-shirt. Across the back will be the words: "Someone I Love Is A Brain Tumor Fighter", so no matter what, you can wear this shirt with pride. Proceeds from these shirts will go to the Acoustic Neuroma Association of America. Sales for this shirt will go LIVE online Friday, June 29th at 5pm. Once again, only a limited quantity of this shirt design will be printed in sizes small-xxxl. Once they're gone, THEY'RE GONE! After they have been on sale for a few weeks, another shirt design will be released. DON'T MISS OUT! |
June 18, 2018:
I'm putting together a team called The Brain Tumor Fighters to help raise money for Brain Tumor Research by participating in the Sacramento Brain Freeze this coming October 13, 2018.
I'm putting together a team called The Brain Tumor Fighters to help raise money for Brain Tumor Research by participating in the Sacramento Brain Freeze this coming October 13, 2018.
If you would like to donate or become a team member, please CLICK this link:
http://www.braintumorcommunity.org/site/TR/TeamraiserEvents/SacramentoBrainFreeze?team_id=83147&pg=team&fr_id=3091 |
May 25, 2018:
Finished with all 5 of my CyberKnife Radiation treatments today! Thank you to everyone for your support during this stage of my journey. A huge debt of gratitude to the staff at Kaiser in Roseville, CA for their awesome hospitality in making me feel at ease during my treatments. Enjoy the Death Wish Coffee and the cookies that my wife made for you. |
May 23, 2018:
Three CyberKnife Radiation treatment sessions down, two to go. Make sure to check out the "My Journey" page for my latest episodes. Not sure if you've noticed yet, but there is a "Store" button up top. Nothing is available right now, but over the next two weeks, I'll be offering a few t-shirt designs to choose from. Proceeds will go to the Acoustic Neuroma Association. Go ahead and check out the page to get a sneak peek at a few of the designs!
Three CyberKnife Radiation treatment sessions down, two to go. Make sure to check out the "My Journey" page for my latest episodes. Not sure if you've noticed yet, but there is a "Store" button up top. Nothing is available right now, but over the next two weeks, I'll be offering a few t-shirt designs to choose from. Proceeds will go to the Acoustic Neuroma Association. Go ahead and check out the page to get a sneak peek at a few of the designs!